In the context of capital markets - RANDORI is a seamless identification, analysis and mitigation of risk to deployed capital. Experience leads to intuition, which in turn affords consistent capital preservation with a meaningful possibility of growth.

RANDORI Private Capital, LLC began in the winter of 2012 as an unusual experiment in the world of finance.  A niche alternative asset management firm based in Evanston, IL., focused exclusively on successful working families and other non-accredited investors. The goal was to provide portfolio diversification and uncommon access to actively managed multi-class strategies, historically only accessible to those able to commit $500,000 or more.

The emphasis was on helping a very limited number of client families escape the burden of daily financial stress, and experience richer more colorful lives as soon as prudence and opportunity would allow. This was made possible by offering a spectrum of services designed to meet client families where they were on their individual journey. These ranged from basic financial and credit literacy, to the understanding of types of investments, and finally culminating in making the most of their burgeoning investment resources through participation in a pooled asset fund - as a portion of a broader portfolio.

Today RANDORI Private Capital, LLC exists as invitation only to new investment, while still serving as an available informational resource to those who may feel themselves dismissed by traditional investment channels.